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Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

kode kode beep error pada bios.AMI bios,award,bios,IBm bios

Kode Beep IBM BIOSNoGejalaDiagnosaPesan/Peringatan Kesalahan
1.       Tidak ada beepPower supply rusak, card monitor/RAM tidak terpasang
2.       21 beep pendekNormal POST dan PC dalam keadaan baik 3beep terus menerusPower supply rusak, card monitor/RAM tidak terpasang
3.       4Beep pendek berulang-ulangPower supply rusak, card monitor/RAM tidak terpasang
4.       51 beep panjang 1 beep pendekMasalah Motherboard
5.       61 beep panjang 2 beep pendekMasalah bagian VGA Card (mono)
6.       71 beep panjang 3 beep pendekMasalah bagian VGA Ccard (EGA).
7.       83 beep panjangKeyboard error 91 beep, blank monitorVGA card sirkuit

Pesan/ peringatan kesalahan hasil POST berupa tampilan performance PC, visual di monitor atau beep dari speker. Sesuai urutan prosedur POST yang di lakukan oleh Bios maka gejala permasalahn yang muncul sebagai berikut :
Pesan kode beep AWARD BIOS.
Diagnosa Pesan Kesalahan
1 beep pendek
PC dalam keadaan baik
1 beep panjang
problem di memori
1 beep panjang 2 beep pendek
kerusakan di modul DRAM parity
1 beep panjang 3 beep pendek
kerusakan di bagian VGA
beep terus menerus
kerusakan di modul memori atau memori video

Kode error AMI Bios
Error Message
1 short
DRAM refresh failure
The programmable interrupt timer or programmable interrupt controller has probably failed
2 short
Memory parity error
A memory parity error has occurred in the first 64K of RAM.  The RAM IC is probably bad
3 short
Base 64K memory failure
A memory failure has occurred in the first 64K of RAM.  The RAM IC is probably bad
4 short
System timer failure
The system clock/timer IC has failed or there is a memory error in the first bank of memory
5 short
Processor error
The system CPU has failed
6 short
Gate A20 failure
The keyboard controller IC has failed, which is not allowing Gate A20 to switch the processor to protected mode. Replace the keyboard controller
7 short
Virtual mode processor exception error
The CPU has generated an exception error because of a fault in the CPU or motherboard circuitry
8 short
Display memory read/write error
The system video adapter is missing or defective
9 short
ROM checksum error
The contents of the system BIOS ROM does not match the expected checksum value.  The BIOS ROM is probably defective and should be replaced
10 short
CMOS shutdown register read/write error
The shutdown for the CMOS has failed
11 short
Cache error
The L2 cache is faulty
1 long, 2 short
Failure in video system
An error was encountered in the video BIOS ROM, or a horizontal retrace failure has been encountered
1 long, 3 short
Memory test failure
A fault has been detected in memory above 64KB
1 long, 8 short
Display test failure
The video adapter is either missing or defective
2 short
POST Failure
One of the hardware testa have failed
1 long
POST has passed all tests

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